Immunisation Schedule
Hong Kong Childhood Immunisation Programme (HKCIP)
BCG vaccine:
Bacille Calmette-Guérin vaccine
Cholera vaccine*:
Vaccine for aged 2-5 years : 3 doses, 7 days – 6 weeks apart, 1 booster dose every 6 months
DTaP-IPV vaccine:
Diphtheria, Tetanus, acellular Pertussis & Inactivated Poliovirus vaccine
Hib vaccine:
Haemophilus influenzae type b vaccine
Influenza vaccine#:
Yearly vaccination starting from 6 months of age
JE vaccine:
Japanese encephalitis vaccine
MenACWY vaccine:
Meningococcal ACWY vaccine
MenB vaccine:
Meningococcal B vaccine
MMR vaccine:
Measles, Mumps & Rubella (MMR) vaccine
MMRV vaccine:
Measles, Mumps, Rubella & Varicella (MMRV) vaccine
13-valent pneumococcal conjugate vaccine
Rotavirus (oral) vaccine*:
2 to 3 doses, third dose will be vaccinated at 6 months old
Benefit summary
Hospitalisation Benefit
Maximum HKD1,000 per day (up to 10 days)
Death Benefit
Hospitalisation Benefit
Maximum HKD1,000 per day (up to 10 days)
Death Benefit
Product documents
For details on our Benefits, refer to the documents below:
Important Stuff
- The Insured Person must be age 6 or below.
- The Insured Person must hold a valid Certificate of Birth in Hong Kong.
- The Policy Holder must hold a valid Hong Kong ID card and must be the parent or the legal guardian of the Insured Person.
- The onset of adverse event must be within 7 days after attending the vaccination (vaccines offered by Hong Kong Childhood Immunisation Programme or children vaccines offered by Registered Medical Practitioners) in Hong Kong in any public hospital, private hospital or Registered Medical Practitioner clinic.
- A claim will be rejected if the Policy Holder conceals or fails to disclose personal information or known facts (e.g. the insured person had severe acute diseases) or fails to provide the documents that are relevant to the insurance required.
- Premium rate quoted has included the Premium Levy as required by the Insurance Authority. For more details, click here.
- The above information is for reference only. Please read the Policy Wordings for details.
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